Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Great Maiden Speeches II

FEBRUARY 17, 2008, and Bill Shorten cleared his throat, took his feet and nailed his heart to the mast:

"Above all others, and I can say this on Valentine’s Day, I thank my wife, Deb Beale, an endlessly intelligent, supportive and loving woman. I knew this instantly from my first outing, when she agreed to visit a picket line with me. I thank my family for their constant support and belief over the years: my mother, Ann, and my late father, Bill; my twin brother, Robert, and his family; my parents-in-law, Julian and Felicity Beale."
It must be true. He said it on Valentine's Day.

UPDATE: In that same draft of eager young Ruddites, futre A-G Nicola Roxon spoke about the importance of a judiciary immune to political interference -- a topic that includes, presumably, not quoting evidence out of context when a matter is due for consideration, not blackening the names of plaintiffs before evidence is tendered, and maybe, just maybe, not arranging for favoured people to avoid the press by being delivered to court via the judges' entrance.

...I was working with the Hon. Justice Mary Gaudron at the High Court. It was a great honour for me to work with the first—and unfortunately at this stage only—woman ever appointed to the High Court. Not only was she an inspiration to me but I learned first-hand the value and strengths of an independent legal system...Jeff Kennett had been Premier in Victoria for some time and a major upheaval in industrial relations had begun. So too had an attack on judicial independence. Judges and commissioners were being sacked. Frankly, it came as quite a shock to my generation of Labor supporters that any of these institutions and achievements could be under threat. It was a jolt that our well-established and accepted tribunal system, which provided the community with independent umpires to protect their basic rights, could be under attack.



  1. After that unedifying, noxious drivel, it didn't take Short Willy long to find a new filly, eh!

  2. You sure Roxon doesn't suffer from sticky chromesomes... she sure looks that way. A highly functioning one perhaps.

  3. Lefties are liars. Simple as.

  4. Nick Rocks On and her 'generation of Labor supporters' clearly have never achieved anything in the public good as they were/are so engrossed in feathering their own nests with the publics' goods.

  5. What is it about the "new " alp? The men cant keep their peckers in their pants,the wimmin cant keep their pants on! Undergraduate Blues is it Prof ?

    1. It's not the 'new' ALP - the Goss years in Queensland's George Street were a veritable Peyton Place of dangerous liaisons.

  6. The Old and Unimproved DaveOctober 16, 2012 at 11:35 AM

    Bill Shorten's motto is presumably the same as Quebec's.

    "Pour le moment".

  7. Lies are taqiyya to the left also.

  8. The modern Labour politician places the interest of the party before any other interest. If the conflict is between the ALP and judicial independence, the ALP wins every time. The ALP is fundamentally corrupted and not fit to govern.

  9. Wait, twin brother?
    Two oompa-loompas?

    Ok, that was uncalled for, I know.

  10. Surely we can't be too far from the opposition calling for Roxon to resign.

    She is worse than useless.

  11. .... and finally, I'd like to thank the f****in' stupid b**ch in the f****in' pie shop who couldn't organise a root in a f****in' brothel for Craig if her f***in' sorry life depended on it.

    Thank youse all

    Little Billy Shorten

  12. ... which reminds me of my own courage and self-sacrifice when I single-handedly dug Todd and Brandt out of the Beaconsfield Goldmine with my bare hands.

    Little Billy Short'un

  13. "Bread Line Bill", the workers friend. I took the time to read his maiden speach and I now wonder if he was delusional or just totally amoral - or perhaps both which would be an even greater worry. May the Great Pumpkin guard us against the grub ever getting into a real position of power.

    TO&UD is probably right about the motto "Pour le moment" but I'd rather see his mob on the end of "Pour les autres"

  14. Elizabeth (Lizzie) B.October 16, 2012 at 2:53 PM

    Ah, the romance born on the picket line. Prof, in the old days of the ALP they would have stayed together till they were Nan and Pop, surrounded by grandchildren and being good citizens. Now we have a clutch of high-flying female ALP lawyers, with one eye on the main chance and t'other not on morality, and caring not a fig-leaf for the institution of marrige and family. They're against 'sexism', you see, which is really anything they say it is. Marriage, clearly, is very sexist, if not outright prostitution, so you're really 'helping' another woman by taking her husband. They're very much in favour of 'tribunals' as institutions though.

    Let's give them our 'tribunal'. It's called an election.

  15. What about Paul Keating and getting women out of the workforce and back into the home.

    I wonder what Gillard and co think of that?

  16. Not sure which Judges were actually sacked during the appalling "attack on judicial independence" that so traumatized the young Nicola Roxon. Obviously Lionel Murphy (himself a former Labor AG) avoided that fate by dying - but the only superior court judge removed from office during the 20th century was Queensland's Angelo Vasta.

    Perhaps she was suffering from a bout of misandry and had her facts wrong.

    1. Naah, it was a bunch of work cover tribunal members who had the 'status' of county court judges, but they weren't county court judges.

      Apparently, democracy required that when the tribunal was abolished, the tribunal members, now with no work to do, still got paid as county court judges until they retired.

  17. I agree totally with those statements of the honorary labor ministers. Tony Abbott is wrong and should die of shame.

    Now someone pass me more meat pies!!

    Laurie "Load" Oakes

  18. Even thought Shorten spoke sooo eloquently about his wife then, it didn't take him long to "upgrade" to another missus with better pedigree and higher social standing. Creep.

  19. Even thought Shorten spoke sooo eloquently about his wife then, it didn't take him long to "upgrade" to another missus with better pedigree and higher social standing. Creep.

  20. Now that we're speaking truth to power, I just thought this vid would be good for all the Catallaxy types. You know, our White boys dying for Israel's right to racial independence.

    Note: the man is now breathing through a tube. Free Market Absolutism!

    (let Andrew Bolt know)


    (No wymins were hurt in this video)

    1. Wee-Billy continues to demonstrate that stupidity can be an aspiration.


    2. Well, I may have been a wee bit tired and emotional when posting that but, it is a point worth making.

      I reckon you'd make a good IED detector Minicapt. It doesn't take intelligence, in fact all you'd be required to do is keep on walking. Why don't you sign up today.

  21. Probably just bogans. No need to worry. Tim Blair will clear the air once he gets back from his touring cars of duty.

    Hero that he he is.

  22. "I knew this when ..... she agreed to visit a picket line wih me."

    Well at least it's an advance over agreeing to meet him at the gates of the No 4 Sovietsk Tractor Plant

  23. "Judges and commissioners were being sacked."

    Scores of them? 2? 7?

    I'd say Comrade Very Unpleasant Looking is being loose and free with the truth. It's easier to lose your place in the Australian cricket team than it is to be shoved off the bench.

  24. In fact Dave, Quebec's motto is "Je me souviens". The Australian Labor Party's is probably "Je me souviens où les cadavres sont enterris".

    1. Winner. A bit like, "if you lay down with dogs, be sure to keep the photos"
