Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Green Shaggin' Wagon

EVEN in the deepest wild there will soon be no sanctuary from fools. Seriously, this is bad. Until now, your more ardent green ratbags have been obliged to get about the bush on shank's pony, which rather limited their range. No longer.

Mind you, it would be fun to see one of these vehicles attempting a steep descent on a gravel surface without the benefit of adequate engine breaking braking.

An example of post-carbon Darwinism? Let us hope so.

Via Instapundit


  1. Elizabeth (Lizzie) B.January 19, 2012 at 2:57 PM

    Eewwww. Prof, that would be like shaggin' in a toilet. Even worse, if you imagine it as the suggested group grope.

    Only the aesthetically and emotionally severely challenged would enter the thing, let alone reproduce within it, so in terms of the Darwinian emphasis on survival of the fittest, it's cactus.

    And that's before we even consider its other non-functionalities.

  2. That won't please the greenies - all that drag on top of their 'pinup' GreenCar!!!!


    1. Elizabeth (Lizzie) B.January 19, 2012 at 4:47 PM

      Yes Mike, the front is an aeronautical fantasy, but it's the back view in particular I was drawn towards. It has such a strong resemblance to a Porta-Loo. You wouldn't want to park it anywhere near a major event or a busy camping amenities site. Still, the results of that mistake would suit the greenies, because they are full of it anyway. Probably wouldn't even notice.

  3. It would be claustrophobic. Such a confined space without windows.

  4. "engine breaking"

    Think you mean "braking".

    1. Actually both work in context... :)

  5. No windows? No vision? Perfect for Bob Brown's Greenies. Keep 'em in the dark and feed them get it.....

  6. Vale, Kombi.

    Shagging Wagon of choice for several generations of hippies.

  7. I wonder if it floats? Perhaps Tim Flannery could take it down the Murray......

  8. The add-on looks like an updated version of the old gasbags they used to fuel vehicles during WW2.
