Saturday, February 18, 2012

Emma ♥ Julia

WITH OUR Prime Minister short a spinner now that Riot Boy Hodges is off to England there is a vacancy to be filled. This may explain why Lateline's Emma Alberici was even more enthusiastic about the Gillard government's achievements than ABC hiring guidelines demand.

EMMA ALBERICI: It does beggar belief, doesn't it Dennis Shanahan, that the Government isn't winning the economic argument? What do you put that down to? Given we are the envy of the world?

EMMA ALBERICI: Laura Tingle, it wouldn't be the first time a political promise has been broken, when we talk about the carbon tax. Why is it that Julia Gillard and her party just can't seem to get a win here? ... they've had a win on the legislative front with health reform, they've done some big things, big accomplishments, yet still Tony Abbott seems to be able to land every blow.

EMMA ALBERICI: It's incredible Laura Tingle, isn't it, that in a week where they wound back middle class welfare, classic Labor territory, that they still didn't manage to get that message across

EMMA ALBERICI: ... how much longer can [Abbott] continue to tell the public what he is going to give them before he might actually be held to account and asked to explain how he is going to fund all the promises?

If Alberici can demonstrate even a slight talent for starting riots, she will be sitting on her idol's knee in no time.


  1. If only it were just Alberici. The ABC, like so much of the ACT, is so far up the Labor/Green Khyber that perhaps both need to be disbanded. Canberra only warrants a local council, while the ABC's charter is so comprehensively ignored and its raison d'etre so exhausted that it (and SBS) should be cut loose to the highest bidder. The ACT can be administered as a special district by NSW, into which it needs to expand if the population is to grow any further anyway.

    1. 'The ACT can be administered as a special district by NSW': It will happen sooner or later. A jurisdiction with a population of 330,000 that's saddled with a full blown Westminster style government - with a 'parliament', a 'cabinet' and all the supporting trappings - is unsustainable' The ACT is going broke, there's a limit to how much land they can sell and there's a ground swell against more speed cameras - the two main sources of revenue. In the meantime, ACT public servants run about with 'cabinet submissions' and 'question time briefs' like they were working for the Prime Minister's Department in the Commonwealth.

  2. Emma Alberici was twice a finalist in the Walkley Awards. Both nominations were for investigative journalism. Her report on the death of a patron at Star City Casino in 1998 prompted a police integrity commission inquiry.
    She's also a best selling author (The Small Business Book).
    Being smeared here is a positive, and she should include it on her CV.

    1. In other words - she failed to win.

    2. Numbers
      Nice copy and paste from Wikipedia. Just like a true public servant rorting the taxpayer. Got anything new or of actual value to add? Thought not.

    3. Thanks for the update. You're right on top with your Emma facts, Teach. A bit creepy, but maybe you just looked them up...

    4. Oh Numbers, you are so very predictable. But good for a laugh.

      If you remove the sentence with the links - one about reverse Remittance Man Hodges and the other describing Emma’s enthusiasm for Julia which is only a smear if you think that is something *shudder* revolting - the Prof has written just two sentences.

      His opening line reports a job vacancy in the Prime Ministers Office.
      PR is a perfectly respectable way to earn a living these days. No smear there.

      "If Alberici can demonstrate even a slight talent for starting riots, she will be sitting on her idol's knee in no time."

      The first half of that sentence is pure Bunyipian speculation and I would have thought the idea of sitting on Julia’s knee would be, from your odd perspective, a positively lovely outcome for Emma rather than a smear. Unless you think the Prof is correct in his musings?

      I’d better go back and read it again. The smear must be something in those four quotes from Emma.

    5. The Walkleys (given that those of little talent concentrate on that with which they feel competent Numbers could provice a grammatical analysis of that construction)is another leftoid goat rodeo. Tim Blair side splittingly covered the last one which, if I recall correctly, was hosted by failed broadcaster (things are crook when your ratings are improved by having Fitzsimons as a co-host), Mike Carlton.

      I was going to say that the ABC will remain the Abbot Bashing Collective until he becomes PM but realised how sully that was. As the acknowledged media arm of the ALP they will continue that role until he leaves politics while they will continue their adulation of whatever person the ALP or the Greens currently favours in their bid to turn Oz into the ultimate PC nanny-state.

      And Abbott won't defund it - may not even try to get someone onto the collectives Board who can count past 10 without taking their shoes and socks off. Previous efforts in the past (viz Janet Albrectsen) made no difference,expect that it will be with us much in its current form for a long time.

    6. Gareth Evans was nominated for a Nobel Prize and Labor supporters made much of that too. Of course any old dog can be nominated for any old thing.

      Alberici should wear it as a badge of honor that she didn't win a Walkley. It would only undermine her unrealistic pretensions to credibility. She is asking the right questions to win a Walkley.

  3. The Old and Unimproved DaveFebruary 18, 2012 at 8:40 AM

    Does Alberici really want to hitch her wagon to this particular star just now ?

    "And tell me, if she's still reigning there in Canberra,
    And did her Government fall last night....."

    1. Dave - for Emma that would be "One Perfect Day"!

  4. Breath-taking. They live in a parallel universe totally divorced from reality. Our taxes from the real world pay for it.


  5. Morning, Numbers. Good to see you are up early and focused on the Professor, although it is to be hoped you put such thoughts aside while in the shower.

    A Walkley award is no recommendation. Paul McGeough gets one every year for being, well, Paul McGeough. As to high journalistic standards, please bear in mind that the plagiarist Phillip Adams has been a Walkley Judge, as was poor Margo Kingston.

    The Walkleys, like the brave press they are alleged to honour, have been so thoroughly compromised there is even a chance a stropping hayseed could win one. If lack of wit and originality are qualifications, you're a shoo-in.

    1. Of course, Bunyip, there are goodies and baddies. ABC - Walkleys - Phillip Adams etc are clearly baddies. What a strange binary world!
      Tell me - who are the goodies?
      Haven't showered yet - been mowing my lawn. I get on well with my neighbours, so I can mow pretty much any time I please.

    2. Conservative-leaning blogs are all bad, going by your repeated attempts to look intelligent. You're about as welcome with your own binary boilerplate as any other indefatigable troll. Go and tell somebody who cares. If you're not getting enough reflected glory by blogging yourself that might just tell you something about how scintillating everyone thinks you are - not. You have neighbours? Poor sods.

  6. Only those in the real world -- the outsiders, not Barry Cassidy insiders -- know that there is something gravely wrong with our media when they hear not a single voice in the Canberra ratpack truly grilling the most unpopular government in the history of Australian politics. Alberici is but one minor sock puppet in a gallery of sycophants. The Australian media's rotten heart is openly barracking for corruption, bastardry and mismanagement, entrapped by an elitist ideology that most people don't share.

    1. Elizabeth (Lizzie) B.February 18, 2012 at 10:42 AM

      Tom, very well said. The good Professor's gathered cascade of Alberici's Dorothy Dixers and their implicit assumptions of Labor support should shame to their depths any genuine journalist.

      I hope in ten years time someone confronts her publicly with them. If she is still in journalism, it's my bet she will be deeply embarrassed. I'd like to remind her that she might be thinking a bit differently about things then, and may wish to bury her supportive role in the Labor debacle of the early two tens. Why not start to change the tune now? Every little helps reduce that future shaming.

    2. Well said, Tom. The Canberra press gallery has been just a mouthpiece for Labor for over a decade now.

      Not a real journalist amongst the lot of them, propagandists don't allow deviation from party lines.

      Surely its time for the aging pet journalists like Grattan, Cassidy, Oakes and Farr to be put out to pasture.

  7. Numbers, nobody has taken the Walkleys seriously since Paul McGeogh won one for his "story" about the Iraqi Prime Minister personally shooting some prisoners in a jail yard. He filed a story about Saddam Hussein's clean-shaven appearance at his trial above a photo showing SH with a full growth of beard.

  8. The BBC has similar traits, according to James Delingpole, which figures since the BBC is what the ABC wants to be when it grows up. But it'll never be more than a mini me.

  9. A crttain female writer who left the Hun for Ch10 management won a Walkely.

    She once that year took up a double page twice in the Hun declaiming that certain breeds of dogs should be EATEN by Australians.

    She wouldn't have known a member of said breeds had she been bitten on her arse by one!

    But then pontificating union writers think they know all about all, without it seems, even knowing where to look for research that is half way decent

    Ms Henderson's efforts lost the Hun this daily reader--I used to buy it to read Andrew Bolt, but his blog serves just fine and I don't often have to think about damned lefties like the execrable Ms Singer any more, another dead set bonus

  10. Ha ha, Under communism, journalists propagandised for the oppressive socialist government out of fear. Here, the ABC spreads fear of libertarian Abbott to promulgate an oppressive socialist government. Go figure.

    Seriously, what to do? We all wring our hands as if the ABC was immutable. It will clearly never follow its charter, with 90% of staff appearing to be card-carrying authoritarian socialists.

    The answer surely is for LNP to introduce competition. Split ABC into two organisations. One can have a charter of social justice, environmentalism and collectivism, and the other, personal industry, conservation and individualism. People can then see both sides of this existential argument and be better informed.

  11. This is precisely the kind of magical thinking that led the ALP to defeat after defeat against Howard. "The ALP is so wonderful!! And the Coalition is so mean and evil!! So why do people keep voting for the Coalition??!!" I actually thought they'd finally gotten over it, but if the winsome Ms. Alberici is still peddling it, maybe not.

  12. Emma - If you maxed out your credit card each month buying junk, would you expect to called an economic genius?

    That's what the incompetent Gillard is doing. She is leaving us a massive debt with nothing to show for it.

  13. So sitting on your backside spraying around unearned income and borrowed money is what passes for succesd in the foolish girl's mind. And a nominee for a Walkathon! I am impressed. Just like every other Girl Guide.
    Says a lot about how low the Walkathon concept has sunk.

  14. Alborici must be using some kind of ABC reverse measuring system. Rudd / Gillard have sent us from about $20Bn surlpus to $120Bn loss. Hardly a triumph by an economic powerhouse.

  15. Emma did a good job of filleting Brown on superannuation, not so long ago. Yes, not a terribly difficult achievement given Mad Bob's totally insane idea of doubling the tax on super contributions. Included in the interview was Mad Bob's furious backpedaling over the confected dispute with labor over Tasmanian forestry, along with Mad Bob's helpful tips about leadership.

    Emma probably thought she was doing a good job by protecting labor. Now, she is dismayed no one can find anything worth protecting.

  16. Complain about the bias to:

    GPO Box 9994
    SYDNEY NSW 2001
