Saturday, March 31, 2012

Back For A Bit

A FINE day to be back in Melbourne, and also to bring tidings from the bush, where at least one man on the land is alerting readers of the Border Mail to the link between daylight saving and climate change:

UPDATE: In a comment accidentally deleted and now lost, an impatient Robert Manne writes to ask if  his response to Keith Windschuttle will be examined. The answer is yes, when there is a moment later in the day. First, there is camp bedding to be washed, a car to unpack, and bits of atomised kangaroo need to be picked out of the bullbar.

All in good time, Bob, all in good time. The Billabong is not Fairfax or the ABC,where you are granted attention immediately and on demand. Sit tight, shut up and be patient.


  1. Perhaps the Government should direct the CSIRO to undertake serious study into what in the hell is loose in the Albury water supply!


    1. If you compare Chris Hill's logic with some of the pathetic stuff coming out of CSIRO, you should conclude that its the CSIRO's water that needs serious study first.

      CSIRO disclaimer on its WWW:
      Information at this site:
      • is general information provided as part of CSIRO's statutory role in the dissemination of information relating to scientific and technical matters
      • is not professional, scientific, medical, technical or expert advice
      • is subject to the usual uncertainties of advanced scientific and technical research
      • may not be accurate, current or complete
      • is subject to change without notice
      • should never be relied on as the basis for doing or failing to do something.

  2. A magnificent piss-take.

  3. Greatest letter I have ever read.

    Also, the extra hour of daylight fades the curtains.

    1. It actually does. When it's hot inside in the late afternnonn people are trying to surf the net/ use TV or whatever instead of still being at work. They close the curtains to do this. So they fade more.

    2. Maybe they are outside doing stuff instead of being inside behind closed curtains

  4. Ah, how I will celebrate tomorrow when the clocks do what clocks ahould not have done in the first place. I do not give a ***** about the curtains but hate setting out in the morning for a walk in the dark. Almost had a heart attack last week when confronted by a ginormous figure racing straight at me...turned out to be an African (now brand me as racist) studying at the Institutre of Sport out for an early training run.We stopped, exchanged greetings and he said he was sorry for frightening this LOL. To hell with daylight saving!!!!!

  5. Earth Hour is upon us Professor. I hope you lead by example...

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I lived in Mt Isa when they were crazy enough to include it in the first (and I think only) daily saving trial in Queensland.
    One of the bizarre elements I remember is donning hat and sunscreen for a walk at 8pm.
    The basic understanding that Mt Isa was almost due North of Adelaide and that the sun rose in the east and headed inexorably west was lost on the white shoe brigade from the Gold Coast pushing it.

  8. The only intelligent thing you've ever said. Well done.

    Still, even a broken watch is right twice a day...

  9. Elizabeth (Lizzie) B.April 1, 2012 at 8:29 PM

    Wrecks the curtains and upsets the cows. Frightens little old ladies on their morning walk. Puts an extra hour of sun on the land. It's clearly due to climate change. They certainly do have to do something before it's too late. We're in for another Permian extinction.

    Aaargh. It's all Tony Abbott's fault.

  10. It's time to decide just what that bloke's about with such an insane LTTE.

    He cannot surely be both an adult and a believer in such twaddle(although I once had a neighbour,mother of six, who seriously told my late hubby she wouldn't buy a colour TV when the old B and W had fully expired, saying"Now way, there's too much violence on those colour Tvs"and wondered why he and her own hubby fell about laughing.)

    Is he

    1) Of the same "intergalatical spirits"ilk as mad Bob from Tassie?

    2) So frustrated cos he couldn't find the sarcasm emoticon but sent his satire anyway?

    3) From the school of thought that believes daylight savings fades the curtains and man is warming the earth to extinction ,causing more droughts and storms and "extreme events"
    Hmm, wonder if the Grand Prix can legitimately be called an "extreme event"? Definitely man made, that one!

  11. Occasionally aliens abduct an Earthian or two and insert objects in Earthian orifices. The purpose, like Japanese whaling 'science', purports to be in the interests of advancing alien knowledge of Earthians, but is really a bit of alien self-gratification, as your long-range alien spacecraft carries no cabin-boys.
    Alien craft have been sighted recently around Liffey, Tasmania and Albury.

    The Irish Lion

  12. Elizabeth (Lizzie) B.April 3, 2012 at 12:08 AM

    In that case, Irish Lion, I could make a very rude comment as to what is causing the oft-pained expression on a certain Earthian Leader's face, but I am far too much of a lady to do so and, given some of his interests, it may also be mis-interpreted by some.

  13. Well, Lizzie, what happens on the spaceship stays on the spaceship, so can't say too much, except it is clear that Bobby has been beamed up at some stage recently. Unfortunately there was a mix-up with the chip implant. They were supposed to give him the chip they implant in all abductees. You know, the one which has them repeating over and over “Ahh was sittin’ here on mah porch, pluckin’ mah banjo, when …. whoosh …. they beamed me into their space veer-hicle. They poked an’ prodded me damn near ever-where then … whoosh …. ah’m back on mah porch agin”

    Instead they implanted Bobby with the chip which contains the speech to be delivered by the Spaceship’s Captain if they choose to land …. “We come in peace, Earthians, and will help bring that peace to your planet by the introduction of a World Gumment. Do you all concur Earthians?” …….. (steps aside to reveal barrel of 500 Gigawatt Death Ray).

    By the way. have you noticed that most abductees speak wistfully of the “pokin’ and proddin” as if they conceal some desires deep inside?

    The Irish Lion
